Thanks a lot for the warm support I have received since the launch of Gmvault. The success of Gmvault has been overwhelming as since its debut on the 7th of May 2012 it has been downloaded more than 50 000 times. If you would like to do more for the Gmvault project, have a look below at the different ways to help Gmvault getting an essential tool for all Gmailers.
Below are some reasons why you should consider helping the Gmvault project:
For all these reasons or any others, please donate to Gmvault via Paypal or Flattr to Gmvault. Gmvault will graciously accept any donations, but because of the Paypal and Flattr fees, may I suggest you to give at least 5 $ or 5 euros. It is little bit more than a beer but will be tremendously helpful for developing the next Gmvault versions. Thanks a million, greatly appreciated.
A million times Thank you to all the supporters. Your donation is not vain as you have all entered the Gmvault Pantheon. All of you have become Gods and Goddesses in the Gmvault Pantheon: Major Gods (more than 10 USD or 10 Euros):
Jason Stangroome, Mathieu Pinson, Mathieu Clavel, Stijn Jonker, Douglas Carter, Steven Moschidis, GoVelvet LLC, Daniel Brass , Joseph Colburn, Daniel DruckerStandard Gods (5 or more USD or Euros):
Joanne Kaye, Bernie Santos, Wolfgang Schwaiger, Kraut Computing, Matt Burke, Ademario Araujo Jr, Roque Pinel, George Armhold, Randi Veiberg, Gregory Szilagyi, Antony Moore, Filip Moerman, Axel Amigo Arnold, Jonathan Sarasin, Kirby Moyers, Alberto Cottica, Richard Lee, Suneel Kanuri, Owen Phelps, Clint Chapman, Donmez Ismail, Tomas Bäckman, Keith Petersen, Holden Karau, James Mcfarland, Clayton Stanley, Stefan Habetz, Francesco Bellomo, Brian Yanosik, Bjarte Aune Olsen, Joel Sylvester, Billy Amon, Alexander Halperin, John Zendano, Alex Van't Hof, JJ Tiziou Photography, Sally CarrDemi-Gods (less than 5 USD or Euros):
Jacek Szczech, Baden Holt, Eleonora Borelli, Patrick Van Humbeeck
You are a company running Gmail for Business or you are providing services around Google Apps for business. Gmvault is more than relevant for your business and you would like to see specific features in the next versions or you would like Gmvault to be supported professionally. You should then consider donating $100 or more to sponsor the Gmvault development. You will have the possibility to push up features in the road-map of the next Gmvault versions. You will get access to early versions and you will be gratefully listed as a sponsor in the Gmvault Home page. If you are interested please send me an email at guillaume.aubert(at)
Want to test the new versions on Windows, Mac or Linux, work on a feature, fix existing bugs or improve the code ? No problems, Gmvault can use that extra help.
Drop me an email at guillaume.aubert(at) and we will try to find how you could be most profitable to the project.
You can get the code here from Github or you can directly fork it by clicking on:
You can then send me pull requests containing the modifications.